Unless You Can Be A Unicorn Cover Reveal Thank you so much for letting me share my cover on your blog. I am so beyond excited. Cartwheels may have been involved. Ok, I am over forty, imaginary cartwheels were involved, but they felt legit 😉 . Regina, of Mae I Design, out did herself again […]
Breathe and Shimmer by Elena Dillon #BookCoverReveal

Breathe by Elena Dillon Book 1 – Breathe Series Young Adult Romantic Suspense Jasmine’s life wasn’t normal for a 16 year old girl. It hadn’t been normal since the murder of her older sister, Daisy, two years ago. Her life had been changed forever. The monster that murdered Daisy was never caught. That was […]
UNQUENCHABLE by Tawdra Kandle #bookcoverreveal

The Serendipity Duet Continues. . . UNQUENCHABLE, the follow up to UNDENIABLE, will be released on Monday, April 7th. Are you ready for Nell? Nell Massler is a powerful witch from an ancient magical family. Before she was eighteen years old, she attempted murder—not once, but twice. Committed to a psych ward, she tried to […]
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