Literary Addicts Weekly Meme – Week of 2/27: Quotes


The theme of this week is favorite book quotes.

Was there a quote that just blew you away? Or one that made you totally mad? Or cry?

Join our group HERE to find out next week’s theme!

I have two favorite quotes from books I read in 2012-13. I am blown away by the undertones and hidden meaning in each statement.

They are quotes that could mean something different to each person that reads it.

quote harry dresden
quote macon ravenwood

About Jen

I love all things supernatural and paranormal. Coffee addict. Book lover. Wise Ass. Read the rest of my ramblings at My Crafty Life

Find me on Google+ Jen Rattie


  1. I really need to find time to read both of those. I’m still dying to read Cold Days.

  2. I love the quote from “Beautiful Creatures.” I saw the movie this past weekend and really enjoyed it. Now I want to read the book series!

  3. Both of those are so true!

  4. Those are great!

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