Legends of Amun Ra: The Emerald Tablet by Joshua Silverman #bookreviews #booktour

Do you wish you could have the power of a god? Would you use it for good…or for evil?

Fall of Sky City by SM Blooding #booktour #bookreview

A fast paced, fantastically written book that is filled with the Steam Punk essence.

Into The Magic by Naomi Bellina #booktour #bookreview

Journey Into Magic

RAKSHA by Frankie Rose #blogtour

Being the first book of Frankie’s I have read, I definitely will be following her and anxious to see what she has for me next.

Mohawk Moon by N. Kuhn #booktour #bookreview

Title: Mohawk Moon Author: N. Kuhn​ Genre: Romantic Suspense Blitz Host: Lady Amber’s Tours Synopsis: Janelle hasn’t been home in ten years. All of a sudden, she has to deal with her mothers death, her broken relationship with her sister, and some sexy stranger following her. She doesn’t know whether to be scared, or excited. […]

The Countenance Trilogy, Book 1 Ephemeral by Addison Moore

This was truly an interesting story and I can’t wait to start on the next book in the trilogy.

Wombstone: A Vampireland Novel by Jessica Roscoe #booktour #bookreview

This is not your typical YA vampire story and I thank Jessica for that!

Halo of the Damned by Dina Rae #booktour #bookreview #giveaway

I totally became obsessed with this book.

Alice’s Sacrifice (Alice Clark, 2) by Andrea DiGiglio #bookreview #booktour

If you are a dark fantasy/ angel lover like me you will adore this book.

Gravely Inanimated by Esther Wheelmaker #bookreview #booktour

I totally have not been in the mood for YA lately but this story totally won me over.  I HIGHLY recommend this book. Great read.

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