What do you get when you take eleven awesome paranormal authors, toss them into one box set, and turn up the heat? Why, you get Love Potion No. 11, of course. This box set contains ELEVEN full-length novels from eleven authors. And right now. . .for a limited time. . .it’s only 99 cents. […]
Love Potion No 11 – Interview with Liz Shulte #authorinterview

September 9, 2014 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, Interview, new, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: author interview, authors, Books, interview, new, new release
Interview With Patrick From Chasing the Witch by Jessica Gibson #booktour #interview #bookspotlight

January 22, 2013 By Jen

I recently had the chance to interview Patrick, William’s brother. I thought I would give him a chance to let people get to know him a little and maybe clear up some of the rumors…..
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Filed Under: book tours, Books, Interview, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book spotlight, book tours, Books, character interview, interview, Jessica Gibson
5 Questions With Your Mark On The World Author Devin D. Thorpe #booktour

November 8, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, Interview, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book tours, interview, Promotional Book Tours
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