Title: Kyland Author: Mia Sheridan Genre: Coming of Age, Romance Publisher: Indie Release Date: January 24, 2015 Format: Kindle Pages: 272 pages Source: Amazon A full-length, standalone romance from the New York Times bestselling author of Archer’s Voice. Dirt poor. Hillbilly. Backwoods hick. Mountain folk. Tenleigh Falyn struggles each day to survive in a small, […]
Who Doesn’t Love Free? 2 Great #freeEbooks on Amazon! {1/22-23}

January 21, 2013 By
Authors Jessica Gibson and Andrea DiGilio are writing a fabulous story When Darkness Rises. While we wait for their genius to be put to print let’s celebrate with a free book day! Jessica’s book Chasing the Witch and Andrea’s book Finding Alice with be free January 22nd & 23rd on Amazon! Chasing The Witch After […]
#freeEbook: The Mustard Seed by Antuan Simmons {Amazon}

October 19, 2012 By
“The Mustard Seed” is a great book of inspiration. It has stories of wisdom and a love for life. You will read it, and get a greater positive perspective on the world.
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