September Ends by Hunter S. Jones

September Ends is a story of sin, redemption and salvation through love because love happens when we least expect it.

Winter’s Heat by Cristin Harber #bookreview #booktour

  A WOMAN ON A MISSION After putting her life on the line to protect classified intelligence, military psychologist Mia Kensington is on a cross-country road trip from hell with an intrusive save-the-day hero. Uninterested in his white knight act, she’d rather take her chances without the ruggedly handsome, cold-blooded operative who boasts an alpha […]

Six Times A Charm Box Set Release

Six Fantastic Books All In One!

Hunger Moon by Melissa Snark #booktour

Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card

Tough Love by Marcie A. Bridges #CoverReveal #Books

  Tough Love Janessa knows she should run in the other direction when Brendan enters her life. Her squeaky-clean upbringing is in direct opposition to his piercings, a myriad of tattoos and the rumors that surround him. But she doesn’t run. Love, betrayal and lies become the foundation of their lives, but one heartbreaking confession […]

Fade Into the Woodwork Release Day Blast #bookblast #giveaway

The author will be giving away a reader prize of a $25 Amazon Gift Card.

The Twelfth Keeper by Belle Malory

At first I wasn’t sure I would like this book. It is written in third person and personally I find stories written in third person tend to lose my interest. I like being able to read and  feel like I’m getting lost in the story, like I’m the character. A few chapters into The Twelfth […]

Keeper of Reign by Emma Right #bookreview #booktour #giveaway

Keeper of Reign Books written in blood. Most are lost, their Keepers with them. A curse that befell a people. A Kingdom with no King. Life couldn’t get more harrowing for the Elfies, a blend of Elves and Fairies. Or for sixteen-year-old Jules Blaze. Or could it? For Jules, the heir of a Keeper, no […]

Crowdfunding by Devin Thorpe #booktour #authorpost

Enter the giveaway Crowdfunding for Social Good: Financing Your Mark on the World by Devin D. Thorpe Over the last year of writing my Forbes blog, I have had the opportunity to really dig deeply into the world of crowdfunding. I’ve just completed my first draft of my new book, Crowdfunding for Social Good: Financing […]

The Reluctant Bride by Beverly Eikli #booktour #bookreview

The Reluctant Bride by Beverley Eikli Winner of the Choc-Lit Australian Star competition! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emily Micklen is proud, passionate – and left with no option after the death of her loving fiancé, Jack, but to marry the scarred, taciturn, soldier who needs to secure a well-connected wife. Major Angus McCartney hopes that marriage to the […]

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