Karen Baldwin has written a book about her journey with the Zulu and altered the course of her life to continue to find ways to help the Zulu women and children working with the non-profit Rural Women’s Movement of South Africa. Ruby’s World: My Journey with the Zulu
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Ruby’s World by Karen Bladwin #booktour #bookreview

November 10, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, reviews, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: book reviews, book tours, Charisma media
Phantom by Laura DeLuca #bookblast #giveaway

November 9, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, event, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book tours, Books, giveaways, Promotional Book Tours
Crush by Lacey Weatherford #bookblast #giveaway

November 9, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, event, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: book blasts, Books, giveaways, Promotional Book Tours
How to Be the Perfect Grandma #Giveaway {ends 12/2}

November 9, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: #TakingTimeForMommyGiftGuide, Books, Gift Guide, giveaways
5 Questions With Your Mark On The World Author Devin D. Thorpe #booktour

November 8, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, Interview, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book tours, interview, Promotional Book Tours
Lost and Found by Amy Shojal #booktours #bookreview

November 8, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, reviews, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book reviews, book tours, Books, Promotional Book Tours
Shadow Kay by Leona Bodie #bookblast #giveaway

November 7, 2012 By Jen

The author will be giving away an Island Temptations Tropical Gift Box with signed print copies of her first three books and other goodies.
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Filed Under: Books, event, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book blasts, Books, giveaways, Promotional Book Tours
The Silver Cross by Debra L. Martin and David W. Small #booktour #bookreview

November 7, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, reviews, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book reviews, book tours, Books, Promotional Book Tours
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