Title: Saved by the Spell (Book Two of the Anna Wolfe Series) Author: Casey Keen Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Romance Release Date: October 11, 2013 Tour Host: Lady Amber’s Tours Two worlds in danger. A Grand Witch behind bars. A stunning Werewolf and a devilishly handsome Warlock’s pursuit for her affections. You think you […]
Saved by the Spell by Casey Keen #bookreview
Extra Life, Inc. by Kfir Luzzatto #bookreview
by Kfir Luzzatto David Wolfson, a Jerusalem scientist, claims to have found the cure for cancer. He and his wife, Tamara, seek the help of Richard Lunz, a Tel Aviv attorney, to fight the powerful bureaucrats who want to appropriate David’s invention. Richard can’t resist the temptation to participate in what looks like the discovery […]
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Haunted U by Jessica Gibson #bookreview
I am really looking forward to the continuation of this series and I have already passed this book off to my daughter.
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The Freedman and the Pharoah’s Staff by Lane Heymont
The Freedman and the Pharoah’s Staff by Lane Heymont ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeb, a former slave, rescues his brother-in-law Crispus from the Ku Klux Klan, only to be drawn into a world of Creole Voodoo, racism, time travel, and redemption. Verdiss, the leader of the Ku Klux Klan has gained possession of the Pharaoh’s Staff, a magical […]
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Strapped by Nina G. Jones #authorpost
Garrison’s Creed by Cristin Harber #booktour
Nicola’s hidden past makes her the hunted target and Cash’s best kill shot may not be enough to save them.
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Infernal Gates by Michael J. Webb #bookreview
Facing impossible odds, time is running out for Ethan and all of humanity as he is drawn into an ever-deeper conspiracy–millennia in the making–and learns that he is the key to stopping The Nine. Will he overcome his deepest fears and find reserves of strength he never knew he had as he confronts pure evil in order to save himself and an unsuspecting world?
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Mirror Deep by Joss Landry #bookreview
Mirror Deep flows really well and is a great read for any murder/mystery/who-dun-it buff like me.
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The King of Sunday Morning by J B McCauley #bookreview
The King of Sunday Morning is a geezer. Not in the traditional sense of the word as in old man. This geezer is a face, a wannabe, a top notch bloke. He is the greatest DJ that never was. He should have been. Could have been. Would have been. Now becoming a has-been. Tray McCarthy […]
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Shardfall by Paul E. Horseman #bookreview
I loved the medieval setting and the antagonistic relationship between Muus and Kjelle. It’s fascinating to read the characters evolve and learn to work together.
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