Title: Killing Me Softly Author: Devyn Dawson Genre: New Adult/Young Adult – clean, no hardcore cussing or sex scenes Hosted by: Lady Amber’s Tours Blurb: Bestselling author Devyn Dawson brings to life this beautiful tale of triumph over disaster. Life hasn’t been easy for Holland. At nineteen she’s juggling a job, college courses, and caring for her mentally ill […]
Spring into Books Event – Literary Addicts
Welcome to Literary Addicts’ Spring into Books Event. It takes place March 25 – April 27!Pick up a great read, enter to win prizes, and follow along on Literary Addicts for Fun Interviews, Guest Posts, and Exclusive Excerpts!Click over to buy these fantastic reads! Prizes – Kandle Candle from author Tawdra Kandle Signed Outsystem […]
Dragon Wife by Diana Green #bookReview @goddessfish
Dragon Wife by Diana Green The clan is waking. After centuries of spellbound sleep, dragon-shifters are returning to the mountains. They are few in number, and the outside world has become overrun with humans. Huroth, the dragon chieftain, recognizes a need for his kind to adapt, by forming alliances and mate-bonds with humans, but […]
QUIET ANGEL by Prescott Lane #bookReview
QUIET ANGEL Release Date: Feb. 24, 2015 Amazon Purchase Link: http://amzn.to/1JWwDYX We all have that someone we can’t forget, the summer it all began, and the sleepless nights wondering what went wrong. For Gage Montgomery, that someone is Layla Baxter. When he was 18, he took one look at the chocolate-haired bookworm with porcelain skin and […]
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