The Empire All Adrian Stannis wanted was a quiet corner of the galaxy where he could work on his beloved scientific experiments, but unfortunately, he was born into a world at war, where his people are struggling for survival against a vastly superior alien invasion force and he is a genius who was trained for […]
The Empire and The Rebels by Elizabeth Lang #bookReview

March 24, 2015 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, giveaways, reviews, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book tours, Books, giveaways, Promotional Books Tours
Home for Christmas by Roxy Bouroghs #books #giveaway

December 9, 2013 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: book tours, Books, giveaways, Promotional Books Tours
The GateKeeper’s Daughter by Eva Pohler #booktour #bookreview

April 18, 2013 By Jen

The Gatekeeper’s Daughter In The Gatekeeper’s Sons, Therese and Thanatos, the god of Death, met and fell in love. In The Gatekeeper’s Challenge, they did everything they could to be together, even break an oath on the River Styx. But the Olympians don’t tolerate oath-breakers. In this final book in the trilogy, The Gatekeeper’s Daughter, […]
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Filed Under: book tours, Books, giveaways, reviews, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book reviews, book tour, Books, giveaways, Promotional Books Tours
Demon by Laura DeLuca #booktour #bookreview

April 18, 2013 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, giveaways, reviews, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book reviews, Books, giveaways, Promotional Books Tours
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