Join us in celebrating the fabulous Indie Bookfest 2014 Authors! Meet the authors and win fun prizes!
Meet the Author: Juli Valenti #IBFAuthors

February 14, 2014 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, event, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book, Books, books authors, events, giveaways, indie authors, Promotional Book Tours
Into the Dark by Stacey Green #booktour #review #giveaway

February 7, 2013 By Jen

Ms Green has generously offered to give one Crafty Cauldron reader a copy of Into the Dark for their very own.
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Filed Under: book tours, Books, reviews, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: book tours, books authors, giveaways, reviews
A Political Affair by Mary Whitney #bookrelease {10/18}

October 15, 2012 By Jen

A Political Affair isn’t Fifty Shades of Red, White, and Blue, but it is a love story with spice and political intrigue. Stephen McEvoy never expected to fill his father’s U.S. Senate seat at such a young age—or to fight to keep it.
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Filed Under: book release party, Books, event, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: book release, books authors, Release Day Diva
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