After five years travelling through third world countries to teach impoverished children, Samira Suarez has returned home to Black Meadows.
Caged Heat (Black Meadow Pack 2) by Milly Taiden #bookblitz

April 8, 2013 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, event, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book blitz, Books, Lady Amber's Tours
Seven Sisters Moon by D. VonThaer #bookblitz

April 8, 2013 By Jen

Title: Seven Sisters Moon Author: D. VonThaer Genre: Fantasy Fiction, Adult 16+ Blitz Host: Lady Amber’s Tours Book Description: Julius Caesar wrote of the Celts: The Celts were fearless warriors because they wish to inculcate this as one of their leading tenets, that souls do not become extinct, but pass after death from one body […]
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Filed Under: Books, event, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book blitz, Books, Lady Amber's Tours
Don’t Kill Dinner by Jennifer Martinez Release

March 15, 2013 By Jen

Title: Don’t Kill Dinner Series: The Rules Trilogy Author: Jennifer Martinez Genre: Urban Fantasy/New Adult Paranormal (Mature audiences only. Mild to moderate swearing and damn sexy sexual situations) Page Length: 170 Release Date: March 15, 2013 Tour Organizer: B3 Tours **Notes: The first day proceeds of Don’t Kill Dinner will be donated to Rain Pet […]
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Filed Under: book tours, Books, event, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book blitz, Books, LadyAmber Tours
Wicked Valentine (Sizzling Encounters Book 2) by April Angel #bookblitz #18andup

February 15, 2013 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book blitz, book tours, Books, Lady Amber's Tours
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