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Stronger than Magic Release Day Party #bookrelease

December 19, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: book release party, Books, event, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book release, Books, giveaways, Promotional Book Tours, Release Day Diva
Protect Us by Tressa Messenger #booktour #giveaway

December 19, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: book tours, Books, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book tours, Books, giveaways
Love and Blood by Jessica Gibson #bookblast #giveaway

December 18, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book blast, Books, giveaways, Promotional Book Tours
Closure by Kim Carmichael #bookblast #giveaway

December 17, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book blast, Books, giveaways, Promotional Book Tours
Veil of Life by Lyndie Swedersky #booklaunch #bookrelease

December 17, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, event, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book launch, book release, Books, Release Day Diva
925 Ideas to Help You Save Money, Get Out Of Debt and Retire A Millionaire #bookblast #giveaway

December 16, 2012 By Jen

Get Out of Debt and Retire A Millionaire So You Can Leave Your Mark on the World 925 Ideas to Help You Save Money, Get Out of Debt and Retire A Millionaire So You Can Leave Your Mark on the World from the author of the highly acclaimed book, Your Mark on the World, […]
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Glistening Haven by Jill Cooper #bookblast #giveaway

December 11, 2012 By Jen
Filed Under: Books, giveaways, The Crafty Cauldron Tagged With: authors, book blast, Books, giveaways, Promotional Book Tours
Three Saints of Christmas by Beverly Lein #bookreview #booktour

December 11, 2012 By Jen

This is a touching short story about the true meaning of Christmas, family and togetherness.
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