London, 1815. At the age of nineteen, Blaine Whitmore loses everything dear to him in a brutal assault on his family line. Left with nothing, he finds himself aboard a merchant ship sailing far from home. Years pass as a boy becomes a man, and yet no amount of time or distance will help Blaine […]
Believe Hope Live Ticket #Giveaway – Win a free 2 day pass ends 8/21

Win free ticket to the 2 day signing . The convention is packed with fantastic authors and we are raffling off baskets of goodies online and at the convention. All money made from the raffle baskets will be donated to the Harold Alfonse Cancer Center. Convention is for a great cause. Includes signing and masquerade […]
Traitor’s Legacy by Beth Trissel #giveaway @goddessfish

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Beth will be awarding a $35 Amazon gift card to a randomly drawn winner via the rafflecopter at the end of this post. 1781. On opposite sides of the War of Independence, British Captain Jacob Vaughan and Claire Monroe find themselves […]
Weird Criminal Law Stories, Volume VI: Women in Trouble! by Professor Birdsong #giveaway

More silly and unlawful conduct by women than anyone could ever imagine! There’s a story for everyone in this book. You can read about the 6-foot, 400-pound woman arrested for fraud with $26,000 found stuffed in her very ample bra; stories of women who get naked and do disorderly things like steal cars, smash windshields […]
A Lady Never Lies by Stephanie Burkhart #bookreview #giveaway @goddessfish

A Lady Never Lies by Stephanie Burkhart Jocelyn Dunkirk is not your typical Victorian lady. She dresses in leather, wears goggles and is not afraid to get a little grease under her fingernails. Gentlemen avoid her like a dirty rivet. Richard Windsor, the Prince of Wales, travels through time to claim Jocelyn’s heart, but if […]
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